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Metal Tray Glam Up – Artsy Chicks Rule®

This post may contain affiliate links. Please see disclosures here. This metal tray glam up just goes to show you can change up just about...

A collection of Transformation: Our latest Opalhouse designed with Jungalow Collection

Welcome to our Spring Opalhouse Designed with Jungalow collection available exclusively at Target. I designed this collection during a period of transition in my life....

Shopper’s Diary: 11 Best New (and Newish) NYC Houseware Shops

Return of the specialty shop? We’ve been spotting (and admiring) a new crop of interiors and concept stores in Brooklyn and beyond. Here are...

My San Francisco Packing List and 5 Favorite Outfits I Wore on Our Trip | Wit & Delight

Last weekend, Joe and I took the kids out to San Francisco to visit my sister and her partner. They’ve lived out there for...

redefining what it means to be bad at something

This post may contain affiliate links. One theme that often comes up in e-mails, comments, and messages from blog readers and social media followers is...

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How to Transform Your Toilet Paper Rolls into Festive Pumpkins

Are you looking for a creative and budget-friendly way to bring some festive charm to your home this season? Look no further, try making...

How To Get Rid Of Fruit Flies -The Best Tested Methods

Got little bugs buzzing around your kitchen? Congratulations, you may have fruit flies! Don’t fret. These annoying pests are pretty common but luckily, it...

New Fall Mix-n-Match Fashion – Becki Owens Blog

 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / From new boots to a must have slip...

How to Plan a Dinner Party: My Best Tips to Simplify the Process | Wit & Delight

I like to have people over for meals, and over time it’s become second nature. I noticed a recurring question from friends and readers...

easy diy college logo tray

When I was searching for accessories for my oldest’s first {furnished} apartment/dorm, I knew I wanted to get creative. The furniture wasn’t my favorite...

How to Remove (and Reuse) a Large Builder Grade Mirror

We’ve shown you how to frame a basic builder grade mirror (and here’s another method), and it is one of the easiest jobs to...

